galore.formats module


Determine whether the object is a pymatgen CompleteDos object


Determine whether file is CSV by checking extension


Determine whether file is a DOSCAR by checking fourth line


Determine whether file is GPAW calculation by checking extension


Determine if file is raman-sc/ data by checking header


Determine whether file is XML by checking extension


Read a txt file containing frequencies and intensities

If input file contains three columns, the first column is ignored. (It is presumed to be a vibrational mode index.)


filename (str) – Path to data file


n x 2 Numpy array of frequencies and intensities


Read an x, y series of frequencies and DOS from a VASP DOSCAR file


filename (str) – Path to DOSCAR file


Tuple containing x values and y values as lists

Return type

data (2-tuple)

galore.formats.read_gpaw_pdos(filename, npts=50001, width=0.001, ref='vbm')[source]

Read orbital-projected DOS from GPAW with minimal broadening.

This requires GPAW to be installed and on your PYTHONPATH!

  • filename (str) – Path to GPAW calculation file. This should be a .gpw file generated with calc.write('myfilename.gpw').

  • npts (int) – Number of DOS samples

  • width (float) – Gaussian broadening parameter applied by GPAW. Default is minimal so that broadening is dominated by choices in Galore. Beware that there is a strong interaction between this parameter and npts; with a small npts and small width, many energy levels will be missed from the DOS!

  • ref (str) – Reference energy for DOS. ‘vbm’ or ‘efermi’ are accepted for the valence-band maximum or the Fermi energy, respectively. VBM is determined from calculation eigenvalues and not DOS values. If set to None, raw values are used.


PDOS data formatted as nestled OrderedDict of:

{element: {‘energy’: energies, ‘s’: densities, ‘p’ … }

Return type

pdos_data (OrderedDict)

galore.formats.read_gpaw_totaldos(filename, npts=50001, width=0.001, ref='vbm')[source]

Read total DOS from GPAW with minimal broadening

This requires GPAW to be installed and on your PYTHONPATH!

  • filename (str) – Path to GPAW calculation file. This should be a .gpw file generated with calc.write('myfilename.gpw').

  • npts (int) – Number of DOS samples

  • width (float) – Gaussian broadening parameter applied by GPAW. Default is minimal so that broadening is dominated by choices in Galore. Beware that there is a strong interaction between this parameter and npts; with a small npts and small width, many energy levels will be missed from the DOS!

  • ref (str) – Reference energy for DOS. ‘vbm’ or ‘efermi’ are accepted for the valence-band maximum or the Fermi energy, respectively. VBM is determined from calculation eigenvalues and not DOS values. If set to None, raw values are used.


2D array of energy and DOS values

Return type

data (np.ndarray)

galore.formats.read_pdos_txt(filename, abs_values=True)[source]

Read a text file containing projected density-of-states (PDOS) data

The first row should be a header identifying the orbitals, e.g. “# Energy s p d f”. The following rows contain the corresponding energy and DOS values. Spin channels indicated by (up) or (down) suffixes will be combined.

  • filename (str) – Path to file for import

  • abs_values (bool, optional) – Convert intensity values to absolute numbers. This is primarily for compatibility with spin-polarised .dat files from Sumo. Set to False if negative values in spectrum are resonable.


Numpy structured array with named columns

corresponding to input data format.

Return type

data (np.ndarray)

galore.formats.read_txt(filename, delimiter=None)[source]

Read a txt file containing frequencies and intensities

If input file contains three columns, the first column is ignored. (It is presumed to be a vibrational mode index.)


filename (str) – Path to data file


n x 2 Numpy array of frequencies and intensities


Read output file from Vasp raman simulation


filename (str) – Path to formatted data file generated by - Raman intensities are computed by following vibrational modes and calculating polarisability. The generated output file is named vasp_raman.dat but can be renamed if desired. The format is five space-separated columns, headed by # mode    freq(cm-1)    alpha    beta2    activity.


Only the columns corresponding to frequency and activity are retained.

Return type

2-D np.array


Read a VASP vasprun.xml file to obtain the density of states

Pymatgen must be present on the system to use this method


filename (str) – Path to vasprun.xml file


A pymatgen Dos object

Return type

data (pymatgen.electronic_structure.dos.Dos)


Read a vasprun.xml containing projected density-of-states (PDOS) data

Pymatgen must be present on the system to use this method


filename (str or CompleteDos) – Path to vasprun.xml file or pymatgen CompleteDos object.


PDOS data formatted as nestled OrderedDict of:

{element: {‘energy’: energies, ‘s’: densities, ‘p’ … }

Return type

pdos_data (np.ndarray)


Read an x, y series of energies and DOS from a VASP vasprun.xml file

Pymatgen must be present on the system to use this method


filename (str) – Path to vasprun.xml file


2D array of energy and DOS values

Return type

data (np.ndarray)

galore.formats.write_csv(x_values, y_values, filename='galore_output.csv', header=None)[source]

Write output to a simple space-delimited file

  • x_values (iterable) – Values to print in first column

  • y_value (iterable) – Values to print in second column

  • filename (str) – Path to output file, including extension. If None, write to standard output instead.

  • header (iterable) – Additional line to prepend to file. If None, no header is used.

galore.formats.write_pdos(pdos_data, filename=None, filetype='txt', flipx=False)[source]

Write PDOS or XPS data to CSV file

  • pdos_data (dict) –

    Data for pdos plot in format:

    {'el1': {'energy': values, 's': values, 'p': values ...},
     'el2': {'energy': values, 's': values, ...}, ...}

    where DOS values are 1D numpy arrays. For deterministic output, use ordered dictionaries!

  • filename (str or None) – Filename for output. If None, write to stdout

  • filetype (str) – Format for output; “csv” or “txt.

  • flipx (bool) – Negate the x-axis (i.e. energy) values to make binding energies

galore.formats.write_txt(x_values, y_values, filename='galore_output.txt', header=None)[source]

Write output to a simple space-delimited file

  • x_values (iterable) – Values to print in first column

  • y_value (iterable) – Values to print in second column

  • filename (str) – Path to output file, including extension. If None, write to standard output instead.

  • header (str) – Additional line to prepend to file. If None, no header is used.