Source code for galore.plot

"""Plotting routines with Matplotlib"""
from collections import defaultdict
from os.path import basename as path_basename
from itertools import cycle
import logging

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from galore import auto_limits
import galore.formats

_unit_labels = {'cm': r'cm$^{-1}$',
                'cm-1': r'cm$^{-1}$',
                'thz': 'THz',
                'ev': 'eV',
                'ry': 'Ry',
                'ha': 'Ha'}
_energy_units = ('ev', 'ry', 'ha')
_frequency_units = ('cm', 'cm-1', 'thz')

[docs]def guess_xlabel(units=None, flipx=False, energy_label=None): """Infer a decent x-xaxis label from available information Args: units (str): Energy or frequency unit string flipx (bool): Is energy scale negated to form binding energy energy_label (str): Header from .dat file if used""" if (units is not None) and units.lower() in _unit_labels: unit_label = _unit_labels[units.lower()] else: unit_label = units if flipx: if (units is not None) and units.lower() in _energy_units: xlabel = 'Binding energy / ' + unit_label elif (energy_label is not None) and (units is not None): xlabel = '-' + energy_label + ' / ' + unit_label elif (energy_label is not None): xlabel = '-' + energy_label else: xlabel = 'Binding energy' else: if (units is not None) and (energy_label is not None): xlabel = energy_label + ' / ' + unit_label elif (units is not None): xlabel = unit_label elif (energy_label is not None): xlabel = energy_label else: xlabel = '' return xlabel
[docs]def add_overlay(plt, overlay, overlay_scale=None, overlay_offset=0., overlay_style='o', overlay_label=None): """Overlay data points from file over existing plot Args: plt (matplotlib.pyplot): Pyplot object with target figure/axes active overlay (str): Path to overlay data file overlay_scale (float): y-axis scale factor for overlay data. If None, scale to match maximum and print this value. overlay_offset (float): x-xaxis offset for overlay data overlay_style (str): Matplotlib short code for marker/line style overlay_label (str): Legend label for data overlay (default: filename) """ if galore.formats.is_csv(overlay): xy_data = galore.formats.read_csv(overlay) else: xy_data = galore.formats.read_txt(overlay) ax = plt.gca() if overlay_scale is None: ymax = np.max(xy_data[:, 1]) lines = ax.lines ymax_plot = max(max(line.get_xydata()[:, 1]) for line in lines) overlay_scale = ymax_plot / ymax"Scaling overlay intensity by {0}".format(overlay_scale)) if overlay_label is None: overlay_label = path_basename(overlay) plt.plot(xy_data[:, 0] + overlay_offset, xy_data[:, 1] * overlay_scale, overlay_style, label=overlay_label) return plt
[docs]def plot_pdos(pdos_data, ax=None, total=True, show_orbitals=True, offset=0., flipx=False, **kwargs): """Plot a projected density of states (PDOS) Args: pdos_data (dict): Data for pdos plot in format:: {'el1': {'energy': values, 's': values, 'p': values ...}, 'el2': {'energy': values, 's': values, ...}, ...} where DOS values are 1D numpy arrays. For deterministic plots, use ordered dictionaries! ax (matplotlib.Axes): Use existing Axes object for plot. If None, a new figure and axes will be created. total (bool): Include total DOS. This is sum over all others. Input x-values must be consistent, no further resampling is done. show_orbitals (bool): Show orbital contributions. If False, they will not be plotted but are still used to calculate the total DOS. offset (float): Bias x-axis values (e.g. to account for XPS E-Fermi), flipx (bool): Negate x-axis values to express negative VB energies as positive binding energies. Returns: (matplotlib.pyplot): The pyplot state machine. Can be queried to access current figure and axes. """ # Any unset kwargs will be seen as None kwargs = defaultdict((lambda: None), **kwargs) linecycler = cycle(['--'] * 6 + [':'] * 6 + ['-.'] * 6) max_y = 0 if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) tdos = np.zeros(len(list(pdos_data.values())[0]['energy'])) for element, el_data in pdos_data.items(): # Field 'energy' must be present, other fields are orbitals assert 'energy' in el_data.keys() if flipx: x_data = -el_data['energy'] + offset else: x_data = el_data['energy'] + offset orbitals = list(el_data.keys()) orbitals.remove('energy') for orbital in orbitals: if total: tdos += el_data[orbital] else: max_y = max(max_y, max(el_data[orbital])) if show_orbitals: ax.plot(x_data, el_data[orbital], label="{0}: {1}".format(element, orbital), marker='', linestyle=next(linecycler)) if total: max_y = max(tdos) ax.plot(x_data, tdos, label="Total", color='k', linestyle='-') # Range based on last dataset. If that's not satisfactory, it should have # been pruned already by kwargs['xmin'] and kwargs['xmax'] ax.set_xlim([min(x_data), max(x_data)]) xlabel = guess_xlabel(units=kwargs['units'], flipx=flipx, energy_label=None) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) # Set axis range as data range + 10% if not specified if kwargs['ymax'] is None: kwargs['ymax'] = max_y * 1.1 if kwargs['ymin'] is None: kwargs['ymin'] = 0 ax.set_ylim([kwargs['ymin'], kwargs['ymax']]) ax.set_yticklabels(['']) ax.legend(loc='best') return plt
[docs]def plot_tdos(xdata, ydata, ax=None, offset=0., **kwargs): """Plot a total DOS (i.e. 1D dataset) Args: xdata (iterable): x-values (energy, frequency etc.) ydata (iterable): Corresponding y-values (DOS or measurement intensity) show (bool): Display plot offset (float): Energy shift to x-axis ax (matplotlib.Axes): If provided, plot onto existing Axes object. If None, a new Figure will be created and the pyplot instance will be returned. Returns: (matplotlib.pyplot): The pyplot state machine. Can be queried to access current figure and axes. """ # Any unset kwargs will be seen as None kwargs = defaultdict((lambda: None), **kwargs) if ax: pass else: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) if kwargs['flipx']: xdata = -xdata + offset else: xdata = xdata + offset ax.plot(xdata, ydata, 'C0-') ax.set_xlim([min(xdata), max(xdata)]) xlabel = guess_xlabel(units=kwargs['units'], flipx=kwargs['flipx']) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if kwargs['ymax'] is None or kwargs['ymin'] is None: # Add 10% to data range if not specified auto_ymin, auto_ymax = auto_limits(ydata, padding=0.1) if kwargs['ymax'] is None: kwargs['ymax'] = auto_ymax if kwargs['ymin'] is None: kwargs['ymin'] = 0 ax.set_ylim([kwargs['ymin'], kwargs['ymax']]) ax.set_yticklabels(['']) return plt